Here we go gathering nuts and whey, nuts and whey, nuts and whey!
Welcome to Plot Twist! - the home to all the madness inside my head. There's gonna be a bunch of things happening here. This is a blog page, my not-so-private rant space ('cause who needs therapy when you can rant to strangers online?), and home to all my crossword puzzles!
I hope to be regular enough in posting content, but I can do only as much, right? This may be one of those time capsules that I might check on in another twenty years or so and die of cringe right after.
About me

I am Priyanshu, and I go by the pronouns he/they. I am a med student and I do a bunch of things or fun. Sitting in front of my screen from a small town in central India, I made this blog to channel out my writings, my very own crosswords and a few other things that I hope to figure out with time.
Feel free to reach out on my Instagram, or email me on the address in the footer.